Scrummi, has you covered (quite literally!)
Scrummi offers a sustainable towelling solution that can reduce spa laundry by up to 90% and works in harmony with your current spa treatment setup. All with one key mission, to liberate the planet from laundry.
Scrummi’s Spa biodegradable towelling range is made up of a collection of products designed to be used in harmony with your current treatment setup. Their collection of Spa Sheets, Body Towels, Bio Mitts and Headbands can drastically reduce your spa overheads, increase productivity, and hygiene levels and help towards meeting your sustainability goals.
What is a Disposable Towel?

Scrummi towels start life as either eucalyptus or cedar trees in central Europe.
They are harvested from Sustainable Forestry programmes. The trees are pulped and delivered to factories as fibres, these fibres are then turned into the Scrummi waffle hairdresser towel you know and love with a very economical and considered process.
The energy used in the entire lifecycle of a Scrummi disposable towel including its manufacture is less than the energy used by a washing machine to clean one single
cotton hairdressing towel.
Once your Scrummi disposable towel has lived its life to the fullest it will biodegrade to compost within 8-12 weeks!

By switching to high-quality biodegradable products, you could save £/€ 1000’s by
reducing electricity and water consumption, not buying soaps and detergents, and spending fewer staff hours washing, drying and folding.
​Scrummi is up to 15x more absorbent than traditional cotton towels, so you only need one to wash to finish!
Cutting down on your laundry means that you’re saving on electricity bills, reducing your carbon emissions and reducing your contaminated water waste.
Scrummi is a B Corp